
Sequoia Simone

Sequoia is an actress and comedian born and raised in Salt Lake City, UT. The Harry Potter fandom is very close to her heart and she has been involved in many different Potter related organizations including The Harry Potter Alliance and United States Quidditch. Sequoia has attended a variety of Harry Potter conventions and one of her most wonderful fan experiences was playing Alecto Carrow in The Final Battle, a musical based off of the last 200 pages of The Deathly Hallows, written by Mallory Vance with music by Lena Gabrielle. A wizard rock fan and a fanfiction writer, Harry Potter has always been Sequoia's first love. Well, besides Justin Timberlake.

Find Sequoia in other internet places and of course DFTBA!  




Kim has long thought that Harry Potter is pretty neat. She once read Goblet of Fire 11 times even though she wasn’t stranded on a deserted island with only one book. She enjoys thinking about good rare fanfiction romantic pairings and reading old JK Rowling interviews to figure out what’s up with the werewolves in the Forbidden Forest. Kim lives near Salt Lake City with her husband (who tolerates her ranting about the number of wizarding schools), a cat (who bites her frequently to remind her who the boss is), and a dog (who is a very good girl). You can’t find Kim on social media because she’s too busy updating her board covered in pictures and string connecting her theories about Harry Potter’s watch.


FanFic! Draco

Our mascot, fanfic!Draco, is a vampire who must find his mate or he will die. His true love is Harry Potter. He never stops smirking. His father will definitely hear about this.